Complying with Cruelty Has to Stop: Helping our Friends and Family See the Truth
This is the first post of a Substack focused on finding ways to flourish in these chaotic times and born out of personal struggle as I have found the past two years very difficult.
If you’ve been awake, you know that since Covid injections came out, vaccine injuries have become common. When people say they don’t know of anyone injured, they’ve more likely than not, not been paying attention. Because no one will announce it was the vaccine that caused the heart attack.
When a formerly active and energetic woman I know suddenly came down with congestive heart failure, I found a way to discretely ask her later when it was that she had gotten her vaccines. I knew she wasn’t open to the idea that there was a correlation, but simply by asking, I learned it was the very same month she’d gotten her shots that her exhaustion began and her subsequent diagnosis of congestive heart failure.
To my knowledge, NO ONE among our mutual acquaintances and friends made this connection between our friend’s congestive heart failure and the vaccine because no looked for it. No one asked. And because of basic unspoken rules of civility, I can’t mention it to people in our community, either.
The same occurred with a man in his 50s we knew. He was double vaxxed and most likely (based on our last conversation with him) fresh-boosted when he had a heart attack and died. Because we never got to speak with him again, I will never know for sure if his death immediately followed his booster. But based on the timing (everyone was getting boosted around then) and his implicit faith in the vaccines, I am pretty sure.
At this point I know many stories
A mother I know had to to go to the hospital for heart pain so severe she thought she would die on the evening of the day she got her second vaccine. She experienced for the first time what her true feelings would be when she believed herself at the cusp of leaving her husband and children behind.
This same person had a family friend who later went horseback-riding in the afternoon (after getting her vaccine that morning) and fell off her horse dead.
A friend of mine’s uncle came down suddenly ill and died the next day after his shot.
And worst of all, my cousin’s son’s best friend, a college kid, died shortly after his vaccines.
Listening to stories
I know these stories through conversations. And all of these stories are about people connected to me in some way, but if I include the stories I have seen on the internet, what we have is a tsunami.
But how many know that even before Covid, people (though admittedly far less than now) were getting injured from vaccines? It wasn’t as common, but it was real. And mostly nobody seemed to care.
A friend of mine had told me years ago about a childhood vaccine reaction that hospitalized and almost killed her. Her parents tried to have the doctor report it to the VAERS, the CDCs system of early warning for vaccine harm, but her family’s doctor refused and wouldn’t explain why. Her family went to court over it.
Another friend was injured in the military when he had to receive his vaccinations for active duty overseas. He, too, was hospitalized and almost died. Because of clear proof in his records, his otherwise pro-vaccine VA doctor agreed that he should not get the Covid vaccines once they came out and gave him a medical exemption so he could continue his college classes.
But the college, while claiming to have accepted the medical exemption, said he would not be allowed to take in-person classes even though other students have been allowed back. This sets back his graduation by a full year due to limited offerings for certain courses being available online for completion of his degree.
It’s harsh what the college is doing. Injustice and cruelty are everywhere we look. We should never as a society have been willing (before Covid or since) to tolerate forcefully injecting a foreign substance into anyone’s body outside of their own educated choice.
The worst injustice is not what we thought
At the End the Mandate rally in Los Angelos last weekend, a high school boy (among several brave teens who spoke) told how his school made him drag his desk outside into 40 degree weather to take the entirety of his finals where other students could watch him through the windows of their classrooms. He was cold (and intended to be publicly humiliated) hour-after-hour in front of the other students because the only mask he was willing to wear (due to trouble breathing) was a mesh mask. This, they would not accept and they wanted to make an example of him.
When my teenage daughter listened to his story, she was astonished and horrified because she could imagine it all too well. I have never seen more cruelty coming from people in authority than we see now.
But something bothers me far more than the cruelty coming from institutions (you may be surprised):
It is the way so many everyday people think complying with cruelty has no consequences. That as long as we weren’t the ones creating the cruelty, it’s okay if we go along with it.
It’s us.
For a whole year I have meditated on this painful observation and now feel compelled to say it: I see that in the beginning I was so scared of Covid that I was okay with my church shutting its doors when the state said to. I thought the churches that fought back to stay open bordered on extreme. And, though I never thought masks should be forced, I was strongly in favor of everyone wearing one. I made my children do so. I fell pretty easily into a narrative that has collectively led to cruelty.
Thankfully, by the time the vaccines came out, I had seen many of my mistakes. I knew those churches who fought were courageous and had shown foresight I lacked. I began to see there were people warning us ahead of time and I had not taken them seriously.
It’s a lottery
Since my cousin’s son’s best friend died from the vaccine early on, I felt the shock and weight of it and understood right away it is unfair to insist someone else may die so another might live. It was a false choice anyway, but even if it had been the way it was presented by our authorities, it was wrong from the beginning.
It is one thing to volunteer to die, it’s quite another to be forced or pressured to be a sacrificial lamb. Yet that is ultimately what has been happening.
If a system requires a forced set of injections that will permanently disable or kill a certain percentage of people who take them, then it is a lottery for who will survive unscathed. Many people blithely take their chances. They believe they will be the ones saved. Yet by participating in a system that spells certain death and damage for some, they comply with those deaths and injuries.
You might want to skip this small section and come back to it later. I’ll admit: it’s harsh
Many of my extended family members and friends, including people I’ve admired greatly, pressured by a corrupt system to take the shots, have been among those who gave their acquiescence—even though it meant others would die while they would live. Somehow they didn’t see it.
If an employer at any large company or hospital system said you had to receive these shots to continue work and you said “okay” in order to save your job, then here is what happened: People died and were injured at your company (whether you heard about it or not) because you and thousands of others thought the cost to say no was too high—and besides, you were sure you would be the ones who would be alright.
But you didn’t think about or care that by accepting—through force—participation in a death lottery, you helped enable their deaths and injuries.
Maybe you didn’t know at the time, but can you see now that if you, alongside many others, had said no and been willing to give up your job in order to save other’s lives, those large companies and hospitals would have had to back down? No one would have lost their jobs after all and all the lives damaged and lost through coercive vaccination would have been rescued.
You never know which lives you may have saved, for it truly is a lottery
The truth is no one who stood was going to have received a heart-felt thank you. But there would be kids with a father still coming home from work and bear-hugging them tonight. There would be single moms, who instead of living in the illness and poverty they now experience, would be financially supporting their children. There would be teenagers who would still have hope for the future rather than despair. There are people grieving day-after-day who would still live in joy today if more heroes had said, “I will not comply with coercion.”
This is what I never tell my friends and extended family who took the shots in response to coercion, because I know it would hurt them: that someone—many someones—died and were hurt directly related to their actions. And why? What was it all for? It was so people such as those I love and know could skip inconvenience and have a temporary reprieve from their fear.
But there were other options.
Helping each other
Instead of trusting a shot for safety from the virus, everyone might have acquired anti-viral supplements and medications that early treatment doctors were recommending from the start. It would have been more work and research, but more people would have lived. It was the only thing that would have slowed this virus (I am glad many people did realize this later on).
If these efforts were unaffordable for some, I know many folks would have chipped in to help others afford those home treatments. Even now good people are donating to help the vaccine-injured; surely they would also have helped the people who needed funds for Covid prevention and alleviation. We could all have helped each other.
The vaccine was leaky and it didn’t prevent transmission. What’s more, it lead to a more contagious virus that could and does harm more people. While the attached link is to a recent post, predictions for this outcome with the virus existed before the vaccines came out—and were mostly ignored. I saw dozens of these warnings from credible people, among whom were vaccinologists, scientists, doctors.
Maybe only now that it is clear a vaccine won’t save us, will more people accept the responsibility to prepare and slow down the virus’ spread through measures that actually work, such as preparing the early treatments they need ahead of time.
What to do with a mandate
When the mandates came for my family last year, we began preparing for a life with far less income and a move to a less expensive area. That we did at last get my husband’s religious exemption accepted does not change the fact that we were willing to give everything up rather than comply if it were not.
We simply could not compromise morally when we are sure God values each life.
It was not only that we believed my spouse might be harmed by the injection (although we had fears). What we discussed most as we wrestled with our dilemma regarding my husband’s job was this (spoken as from his point of view though it was what we both settled on):
“While I may live and continue work and my life just as before if I let them force these shots on me, someone else—because I participated—WILL DIE. Yet they will live if enough of us stand. And so, regardless of what others do, each of us has GOT to choose to stand for the lives of others.”
That was what we decided. It was also why we openly shared with our church and friends and family and even some of my husband’s coworkers what our choice was even though we knew some would look down on us.
It’s hard to stand against a lie our friends accept, but do it anyway
We knew, of course, the line that by getting vaccinated, we would stop Covid and SAVE lives. But we had done our research and we knew it wasn’t true. What was more, we knew that it wasn’t absolutely certain who would get Covid (some people appear practically unable to catch it), but what was certain was that EVERYONE who took the shot would be assaulted with the spike protein as the shots are designed to make the body replicate it and thereby create supposed immunity.
Only God knows why some people die of Covid and others barely get sick. There were people I feared would surely never survive Covid because of their comorbidities; yet with use of monoclonal antibodies or Ivermectin, etc, they sailed through.
Humans don’t have the right to force a death lottery on all in which some will live and some will die. And our powers of prediction aren’t as good as we think. This we know though: it is absolutely definite that some who would have made it through Covid had catastrophic reactions to the contents of the vaccine’s toxic ingredients being injected directly into their veins. It is a completely different manner of entry for the spike protein and ensures the injectee, who might have avoided serious trouble otherwise, now cannot escape direct confrontation with the spike protein in an un-natural manner. The injections invite long-term harmful auto-immune responses. They invite neurological damage and epithelial damage.
The mandates affected my husband’s job, not mine, but were drastic for both of us in implications for our children, lifestyle and dreams. We let our friends and family know that we were possibly going to lose his job and would then need to move. We had many praying for us during that time and it meant a lot. We are thankful we got to stay.
I’m proud of my mom who did not get the shots and one of my sisters-in-law who said to her employer she would not accept the shots no matter what. Interestingly, they didn’t want to lose her and decided to let her work from home rather than fire her after all.
We could have called their bluff
What if we had all stood like she did? We would have called their bluff. But because we didn’t stand—in large enough numbers—corporations coerced or fired many of us.
I keep hearing of more deaths as months go by. It hurts. Especially when it was a young person who had less resources to enable them to resist. Or when I know the person simply wasn’t engaged enough in politics or health knowledge to know many of the dangers. Realistically, I do know that some of us had more resources to stand than others had. I have sympathy for those in especially tough spots. But I am sure that too many people coddled themselves and failed to recognize they were the ones meant to sacrifice comfort for what was good and right.
Never before was there a time when what you knew or didn’t know has had so large a potential to determine life or death for you and your loved ones
Sometimes I look at my friends and family and fellow church-members who participated in the death lottery and wonder if they will ever know that people died because of what they collectively chose. Ultimately it is not my job to judge. What I care about most is that they realize the truth, repent, and STOP participating in a lottery that, while it possibly could have taken their own lives, most certainly did destroy the lives of other people.
Life matters. Under God’s authority, I don’t believe we have the right to put either our own or others’ lives into a lottery with such ultimate consequences. And it’s time to become more educated going forward so we don’t get fooled again.
Leave the abusive system and care for the victims
Change doesn’t happen until we realize we’ve made choices we now want to stop making. And a big change I am proposing is that we must all start caring about the vaccine-injured, whether those injuries occurred pre or post Covid.
I seriously doubt now whether any mother should have her baby vaccinated with the standard shots (like the first one which prevents a sexually transmitted disease the baby won’t even encounter her whole childhood) without first talking to a mother of a vaccine-injured child. I know one in real life and her story is harrowing. This is too big a decision to make without knowing what the consequences are. Take the time to listen because the injuries are real.
We should also support those who had no idea good early treatment could prevent long Covid and are now living with its effects. Spread useful information whenever you find it as there are cutting edge doctors treating long Covid and people need to know.
For most with long Covid, it is a situation that didn’t have to be. The information for preventing long Covid should never have been suppressed by those who stood to make money by holding the knowledge back. They used fear to coerce people into something dangerous instead of something helpful. I also believe that with each extra shot, people are increasing their chances to acquire long Covid later on when they are next exposed.
Here’s what I wish I could tell my friends and family who complied
Never comply with an institution forcing injection on people even if otherwise you would chose to be vaccinated.
Because if it weren’t forced, getting a shot would be your choice. Yet because it IS forced, when you go along, you’re agreeing with an abusive system that is going to maim or kill someone—even if it isn’t you.
People should not be stripped of good options and they often have an instinctive sense of what may harm them. Like my friend who is hindered from continuing his college degree at the rate he expected. He knows with his history he cannot safely take the shots, but because it is universally forced at his college, there is no consideration for his past or his hard-earned knowledge and instincts.
Stand for the weak, stand for us all
If you have been part of the death lottery, please acknowledge your mistakes to yourself—and, if you are someone who believes—to God. Also mention your mistakes to someone who will be kind and trustworthy because it opens up conversations we need to be having.
Then humbly stand for the weak from now on. Some of the young people who seemed the strongest—they could have flown through Covid—turned out to be weak when assailed with these injections. My mom, whom I feared would be in danger to Covid due to her age, used early treatments and had an easy time. No one knew ahead of time who the weak or the strong would be. And so we must stand for us all.
If you got double vaxxed and are now being required to get a booster, this is the time to say, “No more.” And explain why: that for moral reasons you cannot participate in a death lottery (maybe when you realize how morally heinous it is you will feel justified in seeking a religious exemption. God is for life). But regardless, we can stop the deaths and harm if we start resisting.
It is clearer than ever that the powerful oligarchs pushing fear without empowerment do not care about people flourishing. If they did, they would have encouraged the brave doctors who were developing and seeing great success with early treatments. They would have promoted those efforts. Instead they mocked them.
When the media and powerful people seem thrilled that a [flawed and corrupt] study comes out showing Ivermectin doesn’t work, what does that say? Shouldn’t they…um…be disappointed? Unless good options for you and me are exactly what they don’t want.
We must stop listening to those who don’t want us to flourish
Make this a bottom line. Are there tells that the powers-that-be want you not to flourish? How about this one? If Ivermectin had only been a placebo and that was why it was saving lives (because it clearly was), then even if the medical institutions and government powers didn’t believe in it, it had an established safety level so high that if they cared about patients, they should have had enough mercy to let those who wanted it have it. If folks were already dying of Covid, what could it hurt? Yet people who begged for it on their death bed were heartlessly denied even though Ivermectin was once freely given all over the developing world. This should tell you all you need to know.
True story: there was a preschooler who discovered his parents’ animal Ivermectin stash and ate some. At the discovery, they were panicked and immediately searched the web for deaths from Ivermectin as they prepared to rush to the hospital. They found studies. To their shock, they found it was hard to find anyone who had ever died from Ivermectin. There were case studies of overdoses, including children, but they were scares only. Proven Ivermectin death cases are impossible to find. Tylenol, on the other hand has caused thousands of deaths. They let their little child remain sleeping in bed where he had been when they made the discovery and felt at peace—based on the evidence—that all would be fine.
(just to be clear, never take a chance and always DO keep medications out of the reach of children!)
There was a reason the pharmaceutical companies lied about Ivermectin. They wanted to be the only ones with expensive solutions to offer—and an inexpensive generic medication was not that. Not when you could have thousands for each patient given Remvesidir or vaccines. And when you had new expensive pills planned that would go for full price.
A death lottery is against human flourishing. A protocol of early treatment supplements and medications to prevent Covid from growing serious is FOR human flourishing.
I hope you’ll tell your stories
Thanks for your support by reading and sharing so we can make a difference.
If you have a story about Covid and your experiences, I would love to hear it. And please, help us all by also admitting if there’s somewhere you went wrong and what you’ve since found. There’s hardly a person who didn’t fall for some of the lies we were all told. Correcting and admitting our mistakes is the way forward by which we will all heal. I’ve learned a lot and am still learning, as are many people I admire. Let’s recover together.
"This should tell you all you need to know." I could not agree more. It is heartbreaking that so many do not see. I appreciate your assessment of "those who do not wish us to flourish." The shoe fits.
On the subject of the slander of ivermectin (and many other affordable, effective treatments), a main "reason" for the criminal misrepresentations of the injection pushers was that the law does not allow for an EUA to be issued (and none ever had been before for any vaccine) if there are * any * effective treatments in existence. Nor can one be issued, under law, unless there is an EMERGENCY situation. Lies and fraud were necessary on both counts for them to get what they wanted: authorization to market their 'miracle' products ~ products (all three! from Pfizer, Moderna, and J & J) which STILL lack FDA approval.
Thank you for this.
Thank you for posting all that. Very glad you had the wisdom to listen to what God was saying. It took the COVID scam in 2020 to wake me up to the depth of the evil pushed on the children of God.